Good Afternoon Beautiful Souls... I am so excited to roll out my "OFFICIAL" Motivational Speaking Services!! I am now available to book to speak at your events and help increase the Angel Healing across the Globe! This new venture into public speaking is meant to help increase Awareness & Healing of victims of abuse & toxic relationships!
It is SUPER important for other Survivors or Soon to be Survivors to KNOW...
that THEY ARE NOT ALONE! I am ONE of those survivors! Growing up in a verbally abusive environment, I believe that WORDS can do way more damage than a FIST can any day and on my LONELIEST Day of Teetering on the edge of Giving up & Giving in....
I found Refuge in the Synchronicities of Beautiful Souls, Perfect Strangers that I now know are MY Earth Angels that dropped in unexpectedly. This Divine Timing of simple souls giving me a simple gesture of LOVE by letting me know that everything will be OK, including ME!
This is what helped me to get on the journey of REAL Self-Love!
Here is the link to my Angelic Speaking services:
Please share my link and help SUPPORT our Mission to help our communities THRIVE again! Together we can Eradicate the FEAR that fuels the Suffering of Inhabitants of the Toxic Shadows! The first step to Healing is Awareness!! Being AWARE that it is NOT ALL RIGHT to Verbally belittle someone with your Control, Hate & Fear!
Need a little assistance yourself?
Are you at the FORK in the Road and Need a Little Guidance on which way to go!?
Let's Chat!!
Free 30 min Angelic Consult with Jess
And get the Following....
**Life Happiness Evaluation-Past, Present & Future Message from your Angels
Discussion about Angelic Services Provided:
Angelic Mindset Session - 1hr 1/2 or Monthly Intuitive Mentoring Sessions
(30 Percent Discount JUST for mentioning this Post!)
Get More details Here:
Can't Wait to chat with you & HELP you find some Inner Peace & UR~Purpose!
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