Spring is right around the corner and with it brings the renewal of hope.
This time of year is a good time to start a little spring cleaning of your Soul.
Out with the OLD and in with the NEW kinda thing :)
Start with a few simple questions and create a Personal Self Growth Goal this spring
with a list of small actionable steps you can take to achieve this goal.
1.What part of my life is out of balance?
2. What emotion am I suppressing that has been blocking me or causing me to become unbalanced in this part of my Life.
3. How long have I been carrying this burden of suppressing this emotion?
4. How much longer am I willing to carry this burden now that I am awakened to it?
5. What 3 things are holding me back from confronting this situation head on?
6. What is 1 actionable step I can take today to reclaim my balance?
After asking yourself these questions and reflecting on your answers, you will be able to start gently, confronting your fears that surround the cause of the imbalance in your life. Remember that our Angels are here to help and can help clear the confusion from life's decisions, but you must ask for their help or they have to sit by as a bystander waiting.
Simply invoke the help of your Angels by saying
Dear Archangels,
I need your help and ask you to send down your Angelic messengers to help assist me in my time of need. Clear out any negativity surrounding me and enlighten me with your knowledge so I can make the best decision for my highest good. Please quiet the sounds of my ego, so that I may hear your spiritual guidance.
Thank you Angels, And so it is....
What part of your Soul Needs a little Spring Cleaning?
How many years have you been putting it off, just hoping that your emotions will fix themselves and you will magically wake up one day and just feel HAPPY again?
Could you use a little help getting started on your Spring cleaning of your Soul?
I would LOVE to chat with you! Schedule your FREE 15 min discovery call with me and see how my Angelic Intuitive Coaching Program can help you on the road to inner healing!
Book a FREE Discovery call with me and find out how we can work together. I want to see you succeed! I am here to let you know that you are NEVER fully alone and I am here to help assist you on your journey.
Click the link below to request a time so we can chat and see if we are a good fit for intuitive coaching.
Love and Light Friends,
Jess Intuitive Angel Healer