"She waited a Really Long TIME TO BE SAVED😿Until One Day She Decided to SAVE 💖HERSELF... It was a Very GOOD DAY"🌈🌞🌺
Today SPIRIT has sent "On Your Own Terms" as a reminder to DO IT UR~Way! STOP letting people continue to hold you back by telling you HOW U SHOULD BE😜
You are NOT the person you once were and some might have a hard time embracing the NEW you! They may say things like... I miss the old you or you think you are so much BETTER than me Now with your Spiritual Awakening.
Now would be a GREAT TIME to evaluate this relationship and see if it is in Alignment with your New Path you are walking.
Always remember that Those who are willin to support you NO MATTER WHAT will NEVER Judge you for making your Life Better or more enjoyable!
Be patient with those around you who are adjusting to the NEW YOU😘Practice Not Feeling Guilty or Selfish for choosing to Live UR~Life the way that makes your SOUL SING💜💜💜Stand UR~Ground and reinforce this Behavior to those around until it becomes habit. 😇😇😇
It's UR~LIFE...Live it ON UR~TERMS😘😘😘 💖 Come Visit my side of the😇ANGEL REALM 💁Book an ANGEL Session w/ Me Now & Experience the HEALING 🙏
💖Power of UR~ANGELS💜Link in Bio🌈
Love & Light💛Jess ~😇 Intuitive Angel Healer