Hey there ... Jess Intuitive Angel Healer dropping by here with a message of Love and Light to all of you Beautiful Souls out there that are doing their BEST to make it in such a Chaotic, Demanding and often Unforgiving world! It can often feel overwhelming and leave you questioning your sanity and asking,"Where is the Love!" As a Messenger of Love & Light I want to let you know that you are NOT ALONE & There is HOPE for those struggling! So what does UPSTAGE UR~POSITIVITY MEAN?
Well, let's start at the meaning of UPSTAGE ....
up·stage - verb
1st Meaning
divert attention from (someone) towards oneself.
"they were totally upstaged by their co-star in the film"
2nd Meaning
(of an actor) move towards the back of a stage to make (another actor) face away from the audience.
So to UPSTAGE UR~Positivity is to literally divert your attention from the negatives that flow in this Life and Focus your Attention on the Positive aspects. Think of yourself as a Lotus Flower The Lotus Flower is a symbol of purity, enlightenment, self-regeneration and rebirth. Lotus Flowers are known to grow, deep in the shallow murky waters of ponds in the mud, far away from the Sun. Instead of reacting to the filth around it, it instead uses it as energy and fuel to keep growing and purshing towards it's destiny! Eventually, just like Us ... Lotus flowers make their way through the Grime and the Muck to become the most Beautiful flower around them, Spreading Hope for another Day! So Let's Upstage OUR POSITIVITY ... If you feel that things aren't going right and you are finding it hard to SMILE ... Take time to remember the concept of the Lotus Flower above and use the CONTRAST in UR~Life today as Fertilizer to Bloom like a Magnifienct Lotus Flower! Love and Light Beautiful Souls Jess Intuitive😇Angel Healer Could you use some support to help becoming your Beautiful Lotus Self?
Does this resonate with you? Need help finding your Beautiful Lotus Self!? 🙈 Let's work Together! 💜Send an Email Message Below or Schedule a Complimentary Zoom 30 min Consult with Jess Booking Link: https://najkdyevatuyoxtqsiuhp-free.10to8.com