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Are you Ultra-Independent or are you just Coping with Past Disappointments!?

Writer's picture: Jess Angel HealerJess Angel Healer

This hit me like a Ton of bricks! How many of us think we are just making sure to watch out for us, so we close ourselves off, especially our hearts! When we close off our hearts, we aren't doing ourselves any favors, just making sure the rest of our Body suffers from lack of Power to the Motor!

Our stagnant energy gets stuck inside and eventually turns into disease!

When you practice being ULTRA-Independent... You are also putting out the Energy in your Aura that you are not OPEN to Love so actually, you are creating a BLOCK instead of a Solution!

Relying on people takes TRUST so if you don't have this... Now would be a perfect TIME to review the people in your Life and ASK yourself WHY are you surrounding yourself by people that you can't Depend on!

Maybe those aren't UR~People!?

Maybe you are just keeping them around because it's TOO SCARY out there alone?

Maybe you are Too Old or Maybe THIS is just YOUR LAST shot!?

Maybe those things are True or maybe they are FALSE!

Maybe you have this idea in your head created by past Disappointments and Hurts that you have Barricaded that entrance?

I was once GUILTY if living this way! Thought I could be SUPER woman, complete with cape! I was the do all, mom, wife and Career Woman!

I can personally attest that THERE is an Easier way than working 80 hours a week BETWEEN your Job and taking care of your Family!

KNOW it's okay to NOT be okay!

Trust me...

I'm not only UR~Angelic Intuitive coach..

But I have actually been on the OTHER side where you are sitting!

I wanna HELP you FACE your Unhealed Wounds of the Past!!

Let's Chat! Send me a Message or schedule UR~Free Angelic Consult to find out more about my Angelic Mentoring Services.

Click link below to schedule 30min consult

Love & Light Beautiful Souls Jess Intuitive Angel Healer

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